2 Strorey Brand New HOUSE
Niyadagala, Pannipitiya
1 km to High-level road from the house
Land size - 8.5 purchase
20 feet concrete road leading to the house
House area
First floor
2 rooms, common bathroom 1, hall area, panty, balcony, rooftop, staircase separate. Electricity and water separate
Ground floor
2 rooms, common bathroom, pantry,…
2 Strorey Brand New HOUSE
Niyadagala, Pannipitiya
1 km to High-level road from the house
Land size – 8.5 purchase
20 feet concrete road leading to the house
House area
First floor
2 rooms, common bathroom 1, hall area, panty, balcony, rooftop, staircase separate. Electricity and water separate
Ground floor
2 rooms, common bathroom, pantry, dinning area, hall area
2 car space (1 undercover, 1 driveway)
Check all the details, history, and
financial status
before you decide to buy
your property.